On Thursday night, after enjoying some delicious Chinese and Japanese fare for mine and my brother's birthdays, Dan and I went to Darren's to check out an island that he has been trying to get rid of. While there, we spent some time looking at all the pictures that Darren and Jenn have of their pit, Buster, with Santa. It's one of their Christmas traditions that started back in 2001 when they took my parent's dalmatian, Maggie, to see him (Pet Smart does pet photos with Santa every year to raise money for homeless animals; Darren even played Santa last year).
Well, we were inspired! So, on Saturday morning, we took Phoebe to the Deptford Pet Smart and let her pose for her very own Santa portrait. She was a little scared of all the dogs, but did well regardless. All the volunteers kept commenting on what a good cat she was; it made Dan and I feel like proud parents! Sheesh, just wait until we have kids... judging by the things we do with our cat, the children could be in trouble! ;)
After dropping Phoebe off at home, we went over to Duffield's to pick out our Christmas tree. Dan had his eye on the one he wanted before we even parked. Unfortunately, we were didn't have the pick-up, so we paid for the tree and got it tagged so we could return later (we got it today, but it's still chillin' outside against the house... hopefully it will go up Wednesday or Thursday; I'll post of pictures once it's all decorated).
Later that evening, it was off to Eastern for Grand Illuminations! This is the 3rd year the Alumni Office has done this event, but the first year I've really been able to help out with it. It's an open house for Alumni and EU neighbors. Walton's hall's get decked, party food is served (i.e. desserts, veggies, crackers and cheese, etc.), and there are events for the kids. This year, we also did a cookie exchange. It was a long night since I had to go early and stay late, but lots of fun and very Christmas-y. Also, it snowed that night, and it was beautiful and great timing for the event - a Christmas miracle!
I always feel very lucky that Daniel loves Christmas as much as I do. We are both so enamored by this season and cannot wait to celebrate with everyone. Today, before doing of a heck of a lot of holiday shopping, we also bought a present for ourselves, but it's also a gift for our future children:
Growing up, Daniel and I both had this advent calendar and have *fond* memories of fighting with our siblings over got to move the mouse. Well, we got curious and searched it on ebay... and there were bunches of them being sold (as "vintage" advent calendars, nonetheless!). After being out bid from last night, we found one with a "buy it now" option and went for it. Let the traditions begin!
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