As mentioned a few posts ago, the weekend preceding Memorial Day, Dan and I played host and hostess to our good friends Greg and Erika. They stayed from Wednesday night to Monday morning and for the most the time, we were like ships passing in the night as Dan and I ran to and from work, and they traveled to see friends and to a wedding a few hours west in PA. However, we did get spend some quality time together before they had to head home to Maine. We had our traditional cook out with the fire pit and then moved inside to play games and, of course, watch some Family Guy.
While the fire was burning us some prime cooking coals, Dan and Greg decided it would be fun to explore the barn in the woods near our house.
Erika and I waited safely outside

They came away with some treasurers - a little Star Wars figure (can't remember what it's called) and a crow bar. I think that classifies it as a successful trip.

They came away with some treasurers - a little Star Wars figure (can't remember what it's called) and a crow bar. I think that classifies it as a successful trip.
This past weekend, we traveled out to Ohio to celebrate Jasalyn's 2nd birthday and spend some time with Carlee and Jason.

Aside from partying it up, we also took Jasalyn to a local water park called Breezy Point. It was definitely a place geared towards little ones, but we had a good time none-the-less. It was entertaining to watch Jasalyn frolic through the water squirters. 
Testing out Uncle Dan's Crocs =)Carlee and Jason set up a party at their community pool for Jasalyn and her little buddies. The theme was "Lamby" inspired (Lamby is the stuffed lamb/blanket combo that is Jasalyn's best friend... she even has a "Car Lamby" for whent the real Lamby fails to make it along for road trips).
Carlee ordered a lamb cake and my Mom made a Sand Cake (a vanilla version of the classic Dirt Cake - and just as yummy!)

It's hard a photograph a toddler on the move!

We wrapped the weekend up with a double-date to play mini-golf and race go-karts at East Gate Adventures with Carlee and Jason. Much to Jason's dismay, Carlee kicked all our butts at mini-golf.
Back on the homefront, Dan and I are in the process of re-arranging our entire house... We got the hair-brained idea to turn our back "entertainment room" into our bedroom, and it's consequently turining into a bigger project than we anticipated and is pretty much affecting every room in the house. Our bedroom is the new TV room, our dining room now also has a sitting area with couches, his office is now our office, my office is on its way to becoming the guest bedroom, and the guest bedroom will soon be the cat room. *Phew!* By the time we get everything in order, it will most likely be time to pack everything up and start over in our apartment, but we're having fun with it anyway.
The little figure is an AT-AT which stands for All Terrain Armored Transport. :)
Yes. I am *that* geeky.
even though i haven't updated my blog in approximately 1/2 a year, i am still beyond excited to have an answer re: the little star wars guy. thanks for the help *^-^*
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