I finally got the photos up! Woohoo! Well, half of them anyway (January will have its own post)... Here, in some kind of wacky order (because, blogger drives me crazy with the way the photos upload backwards) are the rest of our photos from December:
Our wine glass shelf that Daniel put up shortly after Christmas:

Rose blowing out the candles on her strawberry birthday cake on December 31st:

After honing our skills on the Wii, we decided it was time to actually go bowling:

"The Captain" with his beautiful granddaughter, Ellie, on her first Christmas:

Erin decorating Gracie on Christmas morning:

One of my Christmas traditions is the "Stair Picture" - my siblings and I would sit on the stairs with as many pets as we could gather and my mom would take a picture of us before we opened presents. Dan and I don't have stairs, so we took a family portrait in front of the tree. Mama Smith took a Stair Picture for us on Christmas Eve sans Phoebe:

Mama Smith opening her Dyson from all the Smith/White siblings and significant others (unfortunately, she wasn't very surprised, but she was still excited!):

Our nieces, Jamie (right) and Ashley (left) at Mama and Papa Smith's house on Christmas Eve; seconds later, chaos ensued as all those presents behind them were opened:

Gingies made by myself and Mama Smith and then decorated by Daniel and I (these are some of the cuter ones):

Christmas Eve! Dan and I exchanged Christmas Eve presents (i.e. pajamas):

Daniel was excited because it was his turn to move the mouse on the last advent calendar day- definitely a moment that needed to be documented:

A feta cheese snowman that I made for the Ugly Holiday Sweater Party hosted by our good friends Genevieve and Kara:

Papa Smith was a councilman in Woodbury Heights for 10 years. He retired this year, and we were invited to his last council meeting as a surprise to watch him receive a "proclomation" and a few other parting gifts. Here he is with the mayor, Harry, and his running mate, Jake:

Dan had nothing to do with this, but I felt that these truffles, made by our good friend Amy for our friend Vickie's wedding shower, needed to be shown off. They were a little taste of heaven! And I was priveledged to assist in their creation: